Campus Quotes 1-20-20

Jayden Phillips and Logan Dodson

The Bray-Doyle Donkeyfeed seniors (Aiden Brewer, Logan Dodson, Jayden Phillips, and Patryck Shepherd) have started the Bray-Doyle Campus Quotes page. Each week two of the four will interview three students and three faculty members with a random question and we will print the outstanding quotes. This week’s question was

What is your favorite fast food restaurant and why?

“I don’t have one, because they are all disgusting.” – Hannah Cox, Bray-Doyle Junior

“Taco Casa, they have the best tacos around and you can’t beat them. They also have the best sweet tea.” – Austin Kelly, Bray-Doyle Sophomore

Chicken Express because their fries are amazing – Nollen Phillips, Bray-Doyle Sophomore

“McDonald’s I guess because their fries are really good.” – Kandi Dodson, Elementary Secretary

“Whataburger, the Monterey Melt.” – David Eads, Bray-Doyle Superintendent


“Sonic, because it is fast.” Tammy Perez, Bray-Doyle Cafeteria Worker